
标题: (转载)重新认识grasshopper [打印本页]

作者: panhao1    时间: 2010-5-26 23:37
标题: (转载)重新认识grasshopper
What is Grasshopper?
For most .NET developers, there is simply no substitute for the Visual Studio® IDE, the .NET Framework, and either C# or Visual Basic. With Grasshopper, you can use your favorite development environment from Microsoft® to deploy applications on Java-enabled platforms such as Linux®. Mainsoft® for Java EE (aka Grasshopper), a freely available Visual Studio plug-in that you can use to create server and ASP.NET applications, or port existing .NET applications to Linux and other Java-enabled platforms, without having to re-write your code in the Java language. Grasshopper 2.5 is a plug-in for the Visual Studio 2008 development environment and provides full support for ASP.NET AJAX, including Microsoft's ASP.NET 2.0, the AJAX Extensions, and the AJAX Control Toolkit. In addition, version 2.5 supports new language features for C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 9, such as Local Type Inference, Object and Collection Initializers, Anonymous Types, and Auto-Implemented Properties.
Key features
.NET to Java: MSIL to Java bytecode compilation
Grasshopper provides a patented cross-compiler that compiles Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) into standard Java bytecode. The cross compiler is based on the ECMA 334 and 335 standards and the Java Virtual Machine specification.
Java EE compliant applications
Grasshopper produces pure Java deployment packages that can be deployed on any Java EE compliant application server, on any platform, using regular Java EE deployment tools. Applications compiled with the Grasshopper cross compiler can be validated using the SUN Application Verification Kit (AVK) for the Enterprise.
Visual Studio integration
All Mainsoft editions are seamlessly integrated with the Visual Studio IDE, making Linux development as easy as any IIS development.
  • Enhanced Visual Studio editing capabilitiesThe cross-platform development solution maintains all the functionalities of the enhanced Visual Studio editor and extends it to Java components. So advanced productivity features like IntelliSense, code navigation, and automatic errors detection are available even when accessing referenced Java components.
  • Cross-platform debuggerIt also extends the Visual Studio integrated debugger to Java bytecode running on Apache Tomcat. Advanced debugging features of the Visual Studio IDE, such as Watch windows, dynamic expression evaluations, and conditional breakpoints, are supported.
  • Web application and Web services supportGrasshopper enables the creation of interactive Web applications and Web services using the ASP.NET model and RAD tools, including ASP.NET Web controls, provided by Visual Studio.
  • Help systemThe help system integrates into the MSDN collection of books and provides support for search, index, content, and dynamic help. With the help system you can determine if a .NET class or member is supported and if there are any usage limitations. In addition, Grasshopper provides an MSDN book that describes the Java runtime classes and interfaces.
Access to external Java components
You can access external Java components regardless of the Java development environment in which they were originally developed. You can also reference and use Java JAR files, from your C# or Visual Basic code, which may have been developed by your colleagues or by a third party. Referenced Java classes are first-class citizens in the Visual Studio environment, taking full advantage of features such as the Object browser and IntelliSense.
Open source .NET Framework
Mainsoft provides the .NET Framework class library on top of Apache Tomcat, implementing ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML, Web services, and .NET server-side runtime services. Its .NET Framework sources are shared with Mono, the open source .NET implementation. The C# Mono sources are compiled to Java bytecode, using Mainsoft’s cross compiler. Mainsoft packages the Mono sources as Visual Studio projects. You can download the source code, modify it, compile, debug, and test the code, all from the Visual Studio IDE.
Powered by Grasshopper
All new Web projects, created with Grasshopper, include a logo on the first page entitled "powered by Grasshopper", which links to the Mainsoft Web site. If you enjoy our free product and want to promote its usage, you can display the Mainsoft logo prominently in your Web applications. The logo may be used at your discretion on other pages of your Web project

作者: panhao1    时间: 2010-5-26 23:37
本帖最后由 panhao1 于 2010-5-26 23:39 编辑上面的部分译文,感觉译得比上面原文更难懂~) Grasshopper ——Visual MainWin for J2EE的开发者版本——是一个Visual Studio .NET插件,允许你在Microsoft Windows、Linux和任何允许使用Java的平台上使用C#或Visual Basic .NET来开发、调试和部署Web应用程序以及Web服务。Grasshopper支持但源代码开发,因此你可以开发能够在多个平台上进行编译和运行的ASP.NET应用程序。Grasshopper绑定在Apache Tomcat应用程序服务器和PostgreSQL数据库上,因此在任何运行Apache Tomcat的平台上,你都能获得具有完全跨平台性的Visual Studio开发环境。关键特性从MS IL到Java字节码的编译 Grasshopper引入了一种无专利的编译器,可以将Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)编译为标准的Java字节码。该编译器基于ECMA-334和ECMA-335标准。 Visual Studio集成 Grasshopper可以无缝地集成到Visual Studio .NET IDE中,简化了Linux上的.NET开发。增强的Visual Studio .NET编辑能力 Grasshopper延续了Visual Studio .NET所有的强大的编辑功能,并将其扩展到Java组件。因此在引用Java组件的时候也能享受高级的产品特性,比如智能感知(IntelliSense)、代码导航和自动错误检测等。跨平台调试器 Grasshopper扩展了Visual Studio .NET中集成的调试器,使其可以用于在Apache Tomcat上运行的Java字节码;而且支持Visual Studio .NET IDE的高级调试特性,如监视(Watch)窗口、动态表达式求值和条件断点。支持Web应用和Web服务 Grasshopper支持使用ASP.NET模型和RAD工具(如Visual Studio .NET提供的ASP.NET Web控件)开发交互式Web应用和Web服务。帮助系统 Grasshopper帮助系统可以集成到MSDN帮助集合众,并提供对搜索、索引、目录和动态帮助的支持。在Grasshopper帮助系统中,你可以查询一个.NET类是否受支持,以及在使用上有哪些限制。此外,Grasshopper还提供了新的MSDN帮助,描述了Java运行时类和接口。访问外部的Java组件 你可以访问外部的Java组件,而无需安装开发该Java组件的原始开发环境。你还可以在C#或Visual Basic .NET代码中引用和使用Java JAR文件,而这些文件可能使你的同事或第三方提供的。引用的Java类在Visual Studio .NET环境中同样是一等公民,可以享受对象浏览和智能感知。开源的.NET Framework Grasshopper在Apache Tomcat上提供了一套.NET Framework类库,实现了ASP.NET、ADO.NET、XML、Web服务和.NET服务器端运行时服务。Grasshopper的.NET Framework和Mono共享源代码,是开源的.NET实现。Grasshopper使用其二进制编译器将Mono的源代码编译成了Java字节码。 Grasshopper以Visual Studio项目的形式打包了Mono源代码。你可以下载这些源代码,并在Visual Studio中对它进行修改、编译、调试和测试。
作者: panhao1    时间: 2010-5-26 23:41
所谓开源就是没有加密 随便一个反编译软件都能看到gh完整的代码
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强人 顶了
作者: divedragon    时间: 2010-5-28 17:47
2# panhao1 看不懂啊。。。。 很拗口
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renshi renshi le
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辛苦 楼主辛苦
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xinkula louzhu
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开放提供了一个平台,微软之类的估计前景不妙 十年后看分晓
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有点接近源头了 还是回避下,先打实基础
作者: sheep2086    时间: 2011-12-28 10:42
作者: 大炮    时间: 2012-1-3 09:14
学习了 谢谢~~辛苦了啊~~~
作者: s.k.    时间: 2012-1-3 13:16
作者: 三石    时间: 2012-1-10 16:05
学习学习 请多指教
作者: 西雅图的流星    时间: 2012-1-11 14:42
谁告诉我 为啥我只能回复 不能发帖
作者: zzhsnail    时间: 2012-1-11 15:15
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作者: kzseL    时间: 2012-1-19 19:26
唉~看的好累 呵呵还是谢谢啦~真心觉得英文好懂
作者: 崇西    时间: 2012-1-25 20:56
作者: shisanlang    时间: 2012-2-13 23:29
作者: ,西_子_荷    时间: 2012-2-16 20:17
GH的强大真心有点难理解啊- -...看滴头崩了~
作者: 王聆音    时间: 2012-3-4 18:51
感兴趣 但看不懂 求翻译
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