感谢大家支持!愚以为,作为建筑师,该去看看。作者: 左代右 时间: 2010-6-6 23:18
XX是以色列。。。。。。。。。。作者: 左代右 时间: 2010-6-6 23:25
一直向往。。。。。。。。。。。。世博会訝。终于有人发了。嘿嘿。作者: 990628 时间: 2010-6-6 23:45
一天看这么多展馆一定很累吧。作者: funnyplay 时间: 2010-6-7 08:40
最欣赏的是瑞士馆,另外还有一个就是王澍设计的宁波城市案例馆,感觉都很好作者: skywoolf 时间: 2010-6-7 13:06
{:3_63:}{:3_63:}我还没有机会去哈~感谢Line大哥的观光新得~作者: 咸鱼空间 时间: 2010-6-7 14:39
我们暑期实习就是参观世博会,提前做好调研再去还是比较实际作者: yal7 时间: 2010-6-12 17:32
10 is Israel, 11 is designed by foster...... u don't know that....?
and the reason why the cycle of Danmark pavilion can not be used is their brake system is different from Chinese. not because of the density of people, cause the circulation is designed very well. i like it pure and perfect.作者: yal7 时间: 2010-6-12 17:38