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[外文资源] Robots in Architecture

发表于 2010-11-12 20:12:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 panhao1 于 2010-11-12 20:28 编辑 blogspot 一直处于封印状态 国内看不了的 总得有个预览神马的 不然就坑爹了 Research In 2006, the innovative project “Geometric model building with CNC technology” at Vienna University of Technology acquired an industrial 7-axis robot. The KRH60 KUKA Robot is used at the Faculty of Architecture as a cooperative effort of the Institute of Architectural Sciences/ IEMAR-Digital Architecture and Planning , the Institute of Art and Design/ Three-dimensional Design and Model Building and the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry. This state of the art machine is primarily used for CNC Milling and offers numerous advantages : The non-linear, spherical workspace is comparatively big, undercuts are possible and complex surfaces can be approximated more efficiently. The utilization of its seven axes (six robot axes with an additional turntable) enables the use of entirely new milling processes in architecure like freeform flank milling, which is physically impossible with a three axis milling machine. Our research focuses on the innovative use of CNC-Technologies, the implementation of parametric design to production and the exact consideration of geometric properties. PUBLICATIONS: Brell-Cokcan S., and J. Braumann. (2010). A New Parametric Design Tool for Robot Milling. In Life In:Formation - Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, ACADIA, New York: 357-363 Brell-Cokcan S., M. Reis, H. Schmiedhofer, and J. Braumann. (2009). Digital Design to Digital Production: Flank Milling with a 7-Axis Robot and Parametric Design. In Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design – Proceedings of the 27th eCAADe Conference, Istanbul: 323-330 Aigner, A., Brell-Cokcan, S.: 2009, Surface Structures and Robot Milling- The Impact of Curvilinear Structured Architectural Scale Models on Architectural Design and Production, in I. Paoletti (ed), Innovative Design & Construction Technologies - Building complex shapes and beyond, Milano, Maggiooli Editore, pp. 433-445.

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