资料都非常好, 很多问题自己觉得花了很多力气,其实却是国外很久以前的热点了。计算几何是参数化的算法基础,很基础很重要,在这方面我们和国外的差距是非常大的,有兴趣的同学可以关注一下。
This page lists "small" pieces of geometric software available on the Internet. Most of the software is available free of charge. Unless otherwise specified, C or C++
source code is available for all programs.
Software libraries and collections
programs that can be run interactively over the web
are listed on separate web pages.Caveat Surfor ! I can't make any claims about the usefulness or quality of the programs listed here. I don't have the time or equipment to try them all. If you have experience with any of these programs, either positive or negative, please tell me about it .
The programs on this page are divided into several categories, some of which are divided into further sub-categories. (Eventually, each category will get its own separate web page.) Each program is listed only once, but I've provided cross-links between overlapping categories, and I've tried to arrange similar categories near each other.
Each category also includes links to relevant pages in Nina Amenta 's comprehensive Directory of Computational Geometry Software , which I strongly encourage you to visit!
Items marked have been recently added or modified.
Robust low-level primitivesAvoid roundoff and precision errors! Use this code instead of naïve floating point or integer arithmetic.